I’m self taught when it comes to air conditioning

I’m self taught when it comes to air conditioning

I’ll admit I don’t know much when it comes to home care.

I tend to always call my parents whenever something breaks down or stops working properly.

This usually only ever happens with my car. For example, the first time my car overheated and I was almost stranded in the middle of nowhere I quickly rang my father in hopes that he would be able to tell me how to remedy the situation. My mother I usually call for household concerns, like a stain I can’t get out or when a recipe calls for something and I’m not entirely sure where to get it from. The only concern I had never called for was concerning my HVAC system. At first this was because I lived at home and my parents mainly handled that. Then when I moved away for college, the school system itself handled any and all HVAC system issues so there was never any reason to concern myself. Now that I have graduated and live on my own I am somehow have no idea what to do when it comes to anything involving central air. This was oh so apparent when it came time to select a new air filter for the system. Now the first time I moved the landlord mentioned that I needed to change the filter once a month to ensure dust particles don’t stay out of the air and the system doesn’t become clogged. After a few months, I remembered I was suppose to change it, but not a clue where to start. I rang up my mother who laughed and told me where to go in my condo, and how to find the filter. I then wrote down the measurements and proceed to the local store to purchase another. Once I made it back home with the new air filter I called my dad and asked how to change the filter. He also chuckled before telling me the simple task.
air vent