Playing tunes plus breaking back the heating corp hours

Playing tunes plus breaking back the heating corp hours

Tomorrow is June first plus I need to start saving some currency for a possible trip in the middle of June.

I will actually go for a week with my bandmate to meet my brother plus nephews plus I know my great friend and I may even bring our sound unit so my great friend and I can play tunes in the streets there for currency.

There are some cities where you can play plus make $500 in a day when the weather is nice, so my great friend and I will do that because in June the weather will be undoubtedly nice. If my great friend and I play each day for a week, my Heating plus Air Conditioning tech friend plus I can make $3500 plus cut back some at the cooling corp for a bit to reward ourselves. My pal and I are also kicking around the idea of renting a flat in that neighborhood plus playing for the whole Summer every single day, however my pal and I could pocket $45K plus quit our Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist jobs plus just focus on running our own Heating plus Air Conditioning dealer while working on our tunes. My pal and I would like to labor part time plus spend the rest of the time making modern tunes. I would like to buy some radiant radiant heated floors with that currency plus maybe even get a whole modern Heating plus Air Conditioning system for my flat as mine is getting up there in years. I will talk with my friend plus decide if my great friend and I should do this Summer trip plus just live in the other country while my great friend and I play every day. It won’t be simple because there’s no temperature control system in the streets for cooling us down while my great friend and I play the local businesses.


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