45 more minutes of heating and cooling system work

45 more minutes of heating and cooling system work

I will work for a bit longer and then go out and take a break from the screen.

I want to buy this cologne I tried yesterday but I don’t remember where exactly the place is in town.

It can only be on a couple of streets here so I will ride around and look for it till I find it. The cologne is $30 but it smells so nice and light that I think I am going to splurge and buy some for the first time in probably 20 years. I never wear cologne but this local business has such a good price that I think I’ll buy two and give one to my cooling technician co worker. I am going to work for 45 more minutes in my little office before giving myself a break and taking a ride around town to find that cologne. I have a few hours of HVAC industry writing work to do today and would like to put a little dent in it before I go out for my morning swim in the natural climate control environment of Mother Nature. The water is still cool and wakes me up nicely, but it isn’t cold enough anymore to really help with my joint pain. I was working on an oil furnace the other day and my shoulders were quite sore afterwards from all of the lifting I was doing with the HVAC system that night. I will put some cold gel on them for a bit and that should give me some relief from the pain.

Air conditioning worker