Lack of central heating is absolutely really romantic

Lack of central heating is absolutely really romantic

I guess you could say that I am not the type of lady who really enjoys roughing it.

If it’s at all possible I would cherish to be sitting around in the comfort of my own condo all day with all of the new amenities that I have so carefully acquired over the years.

When people ask if I am interested in going camping or staying in a rudimentary lodge, I basically laugh in their face. Why would I ever want to give up my high quality indoor lifestyle to go fend off bugs as well as the battle Mother Nature? No thank you. This is why I was particularally surprised that I absolutely had a fantastic time with my partner last weekend when my buddy and I arrived at an airbnb as well as found out that there was no indoor heating or cooling. When my buddy and I were looking online for our vacation rental my buddy and I both had a lot of amenities in mind for the temporary residence. Never once did I feel that heating, cooling, as well as air quality control was something that my buddy and I needed to specify, then on the day that my buddy and I arrived at the rental, I was shocked by the indoor air temperature as my buddy and I walked into the rental house. As my buddy and I started looking around it became apparent that there was no central furnace to reduce the chill. The only thing my buddy and I could find was a basic wood burning fireplace in the family room as well as a few space heaters. This is when I began panicking that there would be no heat. I am surprised to tell you, this lack of new heating equipment absolutely worked out kind of nicely. I’ve never had such a romantic getaway, partially because of the forced cuddling for warmth.



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