Weighted blanket plus less need for heat

Weighted blanket plus less need for heat

I have to make an admission, i suffer from numerous mental illnesses, plus they impact my life to variable degrees.

If we’re being upfront, I properly suffer from clinical depression, generalized anxiety, plus dissociative disorders. Most of the time, I can keep my mental illness under wraps plus live a fairly normal life; However, there are particular mornings when I very feel off balance plus out of sorts, and recently, I started reading up on many ways to circumvent these hard times, however one of the most highly advocated methods was to purchase a weighted blanket for times of extreme anxiety, and personally, I couldn’t afford a weighted blanket, despite the fact that I was drastically interested in the product, and after the Christmas holiday, I no longer had to worry about saving up for my own weighted blanket. My Dad bought me one. I have to say, the weighted blanket works wonders for my anxiety plus it’s also benefiting my yearly bills every night. You see, I have constantly enjoyed sleeping in the extreme cold. I have constantly enjoyed the feeling of heavy blankets on top of me, then that means, I need to open a window plus let in the abundant winter time air to decrease the temperature surrounding my body. The problem is, in the afternoon I have to operate my central boiler to an extreme degree in order to moderate the condo back up. These mornings, with my amazing weighted blanket, I do not have to decrease the temperature in my kitchen so drastically each night. This means, in the afternoon I do not have to abuse my forced air boiler to increase the indoor temperature again, and since I have acquired my awesome weighted blanket, my insomnia has never been better plus either have my heating bills.

quality heating and cooling