Death in The Unit

Death in The Unit

When I was younger, my family lived in a tiny apartment complex.

It was a bit cramped for the four of us however my friend and I somehow managed to make it work.

The saving grace was our powerful cooling system, which thankfully kept the majority of the apartment content even with through the severeer winters and summers. Sadly, at one point I remember the system all of a sudden started producing this gross stink. It got so awful at one point my friend and I couldn’t even turn on the cooling system because the odor overpowered and filled the whole apartment. My father became very upset and reached out to our landlord to see if there was something my friend and I could do. The landlord assured my father that he would have someone from the local Heating and Air Conditioning supplier come and check out the cooling system right away. Three weeks later the Heating and Air Conditioning supplier finally arrived, apologizing for the delay as they had been extra tied up with customers recently. The serviceman right away went to work and proceeded to check all of the components of the system. When he reached the cutout space where the filter went he peeked inside before giving a yelp and jumping back a few steps. My father hastily went to look and then ran to the dining room to get the dishwashing gloves. He reached into the cutout and pulled out a big fuzzy rodent by the tail. It had somehow gotten trapped inside the cutout and died from lack of food. After removing the rodent and giving the part a nice cleaning, the cooling system began working like respected and the odor was completely gone. My nice friend and I were so grateful and thanked the Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman who in turn thanked my father for helping dispose of the rat.

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