Moving back home

Moving back home

No child, no matter how old you are, wants to transfer back home to live with their parents! Not only does it bruise your ego, however it makes you feel like you’re ten again having to follow all these now pointless rules.

  • Most of them you hadn’t had to follow in a long time.

For me, it was the fact that when I moved back home I wasn’t able to mess with the temperature control whatsoever. My mother had very strict rules about the cooling system system in her home. The system was never allowed to go below eighty degrees in the summer time and never above seventy degrees in the winter. Now, this wouldn’t have been terrible except that I had just become pregnant and was producing more blood in my body, then due to the increase in blood, I was always burning up or freezing depending on the day. In the hottest time of the year, I would find myself waking up drenched in a puddle of sweat even with the cooling system and my ceiling fan on full blast. It was miserable. I begged my mom to allow me to lower the temperature just two degrees so that it was at least around 70 when she wasn’t home. She refused and then proceeded to put a lock box around the temperature control just in case I tried to do anything anyways. Fortunately, I was able to transfer out of her home and back into my own place where I keep the home a comfortable 70 degrees and even drop it down to 70 at night when I’m about to go to bed.

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